Town of Lanigan

Municipal Government

More AboutTown of Lanigan

Town Services

Town Office: Hours:  8:00 am – Noon, 1:00 – 4:30 pm#110 Main Street

Utilities and Power: Saskatchewan Telecommunications and the Saskatchewan Power Corporation  serve Lanigan and the surrounding area with telephone, power, and natural gas. Municipal facilities and services are capable of serving a population of over 2,500, almost double Lanigan’s current population.

Water Supply & Sewer:

Water System: In the spring of 2019, the upgraded water system was officially commissioned. The new raw water source is two groundwater wells, which will draw water from an underground aquifer (Hatfield Aquifer).  The water plant was retrofitted utilizing much of the existing infrastructure while changing the process. A remineralization bed is used to balance the pH levels instead of chemicals which foster healthier water. For disinfection liquid sodium hypochlorite is used. Installation of a reverse osmosis membrane unit ensures Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines are met.

The Town of Lanigan WTP Reverse Osmosis System under the Provincial Territorial Infrastructure Component – Drinking Water – Drinking Water Treatment Infrastructure renewed the process for water treatment by retrofitting and utilizing existing infrastructure with modification to accommodate a reverse osmosis system. The two wells are located 2,312 metres from the water treatment plant. Supply lines are placed in the right of way along Agnew Avenue east to Hoover Street and south to tie into the current facility.

Providing water quality that meets or exceeds the Canadian Drinking Water Quality guidelines contributes to improve the health of our community, which is of utmost importance to our Council.

There is approximately 15,763 meters of water lines in our community.

Sewage System: In 2017 the sewage lagoon located at NW 10-33-22 W2M was expanded with a new primary cell and conversion of the existing primary cell to a storage cell to meet the needs of the community and provide for compliance with new legislation. The existing force main was extended to the new primary cell. Control structures were replaced to ensure environmental protection.

The main lift station located at the corner of Hoover Street & Industrial Drive was last upgraded in 2017 when all internal piping was replaced. The second lift station is located on Wexford Street. A small lift station along Vetshome Drive assists the removal of sewage on the north side of the community.

We have approximately 15,763 meters of sewer lines in our community.

The minimum monthly water and sewer bill is $ 92.60 for 4,000 gallons.  Charges are calculated based on the following: Minimum water is $ 49.85 per month which provides residents with a capacity of 4,000 gallons. Overage is charged at $ 19.00 per 1,000 gallons over the minimum.  The minimum sewage charge is $ 12.75 for 4,000 gallons and an overage rate of $ 4.25 per 1,000 gallons. Each water service is charged a infrastructure fee of $ 30.

Water and Wastewater Upgrade Information

Waste Disposal: There is garbage disposal service to the residential area, which is provided by the REACT Waste Management Authority. A transfer station is located 1 km West of Lanigan. REACT uses a “Tag a Bag” program which charges residents $ 2.50 per bag of garbage.  For more information call REACT at 306-682-1955 or visit their website at

Tags are available at the Town Office, Lanigan Co-op Grocery Store and Hi-Way Confectionary.

Garbage is collected every Monday.

Landfill Hours of Operation: Tuesday: 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (May to October) and 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Winter)Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Special Yard Pick-Up: The Town of Lanigan provides free pick-up of grass clippings and leaves (in clear plastic bags) and branches under a ½ ton truck load (bundled if possible) on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month.  Depending on the weather, service begins in May and runs until freeze up.  Please call the Town Office if you have any questions regarding Special Yard Pick-Up.

Streets: All streets are paved. Review the Town of Lanigan’s Snow Removal Policy for information on snow removal.

Airport: Lanigan has a seasonal grass landing strip catering to light aircraft.

Sarcan: Sarcan services are available in Lanigan at #57 Main Street, every Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00pm.

PhotosTown of Lanigan

Head Office

110 Main Street Box 280
Lanigan, Saskatchewan   S0K 2M0

View in Google Maps
Karen Greve
(306) 365-2809 • (306) 365-2960
Technical Capability Summary