Tb's Bar and Grill @ The Manitou Hotel

Tb's Bar and Grill @ The Manitou Hotel is a food and beverage, retail liquor, and lodging business. We have suties for extended stay lodging close to all services in Watrous. We also have a beverage room and retail liquor store. We have 8 years of catering experience with a range of menu options from breakfast, lunch and burgers to all sorts of banquet options. We have catered 100's of events as large as 1000 people, totalling 10's of thousands of catered plates.

More AboutTb's Bar and Grill @ The Manitou Hotel

TB’s Bar & Grill offers custom catering for small and large events. Please feel free to contact us at (306) 946-3315 or manitouhotel@gmail.com for more information.

PhotosTb's Bar and Grill @ The Manitou Hotel

Head Office

102 Main Street, PO Box 1560
Watrous, Saskatchewan   S0K4T0

View in Google Maps
Lane Manson
(306) 381-5387 • (306) 381-5387 mansonls@hotmail.com
Technical Capability Summary
Mining & Manufacturing - Mining

Accommodations Restaurant

Tourism - Accommodation Services

Extended Stay Accommodation Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels Rooming and Boarding Houses Unique Accommodation

Tourism - Food Services and Drinking Places

Bar / Lounge / Pub Caterers Drinking Places (alcoholic beverages) Food Service Contractors Full-Service Restaurants and Limited-Service Eating Places Mobile Food Services Nightclub Restaurant and Dining